With Life Guardian, LLC's nationwide medical alert monitoring service, help is always available at the push of a button. When you press the emergency call button, a signal is sent to the monitoring station, which is connected to a phone line. An alarm is immediately sent to the emergency response center. Within moments, a highly trained operator is on the line ready to help, 24 hours a day. And, our operators will stay on the line with the customer in an emergency-until help arrives. Monitoring representatives handling medical signals are professionally trained and equipped to handle different types and levels of emergencies by using interactive medical alert scenarios and sensitivity training. All of our operators must pass a certification exam specific to the medical alert signals. Each of our attendants are EMD (Emergency medical dispatchers) certified and have attended a multi-day course, which is the same training course that most 911 dispatchers receive. To qualify for the EMD course the attendants must first be certified in CPR. The EMD and CPR certifications enable the attendant to recognize life threatening conditions including cardiac arrest, choking, and stroke. The attendants are able to deliver an elevated level of care to subscribers with emergency medical needs that response centers cannot, or will not provide. Our rescue alert's research and development team has designed comprehensive software and equipment tailored for the medical alert monitoring, specifically the Personal Emergency Response System. This customized engineering is the key to the improved speed, reliability and accurancy , experienced by Life Guardian, LLC subscribers. Flexible and Customized medical alert monitoring: Due to the nature of medical alert monitoring, flexibility is neeed in a response center. Detailed emergency information, will differ for each subscriber such as -medical history -special needs -responder relationships Our response center is designed to provide the flexibility subscribers and their love on es will need to maintain independence and peace of mind. Customizing the monitoring service may include: -the order in which responders should be called -which responders MUST be notified in case of an emergent incident or transport to hospital - notes on which responders have a key to the subscriber's residence -whether or not emergency professionals ( Fire department, Police or EMS) have permission to force entry into the home during questionable circumstances -hidden key locations and /or lockbox codes _additional special instructions can be kept for the subscriber and each responder, such as "Responder 1 will be out of town for the next 2 weeks proceed to Responder 2" etc. Our rescue alert response center are also designed to allow attendants to communicate with their own language. When the need arises our attendants will quickly connect to " Language Line Services" a translation service which provides translation for over 150 languages. At Life Guardian, LLC language is not a barrier. Speed and accurancy are constants and the attendant is still able to add the personal contact and comfort, needed during an emergency situation.

Life Guardian, LLC offers state of the art protection, during an emergency situation. Our subscribers are allowed the independence to live the life they are used to with a greater sense of freedom , while providing their family and friends peace of mind.

How Our Alert System Works
Medical Alert System - Care Center